"Israel's Bold Gamble: America's Middle East Dilemma, Ukraine's Fall and EU Desperate! Dmitry Orlov
Dialogue Works (July 29, 20243)

1:45 Dmitry Orlov: “Hamas and Fatah have decided to make peace with each other and work together as a unit. And that is a major, major achievement because Israel created Hamas in order to split the Palestinians. That strategy misfired in all kinds of ways, and now it turns out that it’s not a strategy at all because they’ve merged. So, that’s a complete fiasco from the Israeli point of view."

[**** Begin Note from Juan Cole with a corroborating view ****]
"He bankrolled Hamas for a decade with Egyptian and Qatari funds deposited in Israeli accounts, which he transferred to Gaza, in hopes of taming the organization by giving it Gaza as a fief. He thereby hoped to continue to split the Palestinians, most of whom support instead the secular, nationalist Palestine Liberation Organization. Most Israelis recognize that Netanyahu’s brain-dead policies led to the October 7 terrorist attack.”
[**** end note ****]

“I think that Russia and China are trying to rise to the occasion because there is a gigantic vacuum. It’s not like the United States is a side of the story. It’s like the united States is missing. There is nobody in charge in the United States. And nobody knows who’s going to be in charge, how it’s going to develop, and how it is going to turn out. And so Russia and China are trying to play the adults in the room and try to get people to talk.”

2:40 “Now it’s appearing as if the Arab states aren’t really going to do anything about Israel or about Palestine. But Iran is the one entity that could produce some kind of peace in the region and the entire diplomatic mission, as far as I can see it, is convincing the Iranians that they shouldn’t destroy Israel, which they’ve been talking about for generations and that they should actually be as the most militarily most powerful nation in the region. They should try to achieve some sort of peace with Israel, which is difficult if not impossible. So, as far as I can tell, that is what is going on.”

. . . [can Israel successfully lure the United States into a war with Iran?]

4:01“… That has been Israel’s dream all along, to get the United States embroiled in the conflict, the entire provocation against Iran to which Iran responded, with the Americans in the region helping counter the Iranian counter attack with mixed results. Whatever the Iranians wanted to get through got through because the Iranians have better weapons at this point, along with the Russians, the Chinese, and the North Koreans. But I don’t think that [Israeli plan] is going to work. . . The Americans have already burnt a prodigious amount military equipment in the Ukraine. This is vaguely similar to the amount of military hardware they lost during World War II except here they lost it over a very short period of time as opposed to spread out. And they've also demonstrated that their weapons are obsolete and relatively useless."

5:22 "Of course they made lots of money doing that. But they're not really in a position to blunder into another open-ended military conflict with no specific goal except to please Israel. What Netanyahu is trying to do is stay out of jail and extend his political career. I don't think he has any other options at this point."

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6:22 "They wanted to please Brussels by shutting down the export of Russian oil to Hungary and Slovakia. The response was one delayed response which is that Ukraine will no longer get diesel from Slovakia, and that will hamper its efforts to continue the military conflict in the east. And there was also an immediate reaction which is that Slovakia turned off the electricity. Slovakia and Hungary are the two biggest electricity exporters to the Ukraine now that a lot of Ukrainian generating capacity has been destroyed, resulting in blackouts even in Kiev where electricity remains out for sometimes days at a time. And people are confronting this unfamiliar situation where their earnings and salaries are deposited to bank cards electronically but they can't withdraw the money because the bank machines don't run because the electricity is off amd there are no electronic payment systems working because the electricity is off. And so they can't get at their money. They can't even ride public transit to work because they can't pay for it. And everything is just breaking down because of that."

7:58 "So, the Ukraine tried to please Brussels and shot themselves in the foot, which I guess is exactly what we should expect from them."

. . . Nima R. Alkhorshid: . . .

9:22 Dmitry Orlov: "Of course it has to do with the mayhem in Washington. The Europuppets are absolutely scared because Trump is going to come, they think, and deprive them of everything that they've counted on throughout their political careers which is basically being able to hide behind Uncle Sam's back while doing exactly what the Americans tell them to do and not worry about anything. And that does not seem like it's going to work."

"Now, their continued support for the Ukraine is just an outcome of their abject fear that if they say something different it might make things even worse than they already are. And so it's a zombie policy."

10:18 "Now, as far as what the Ukrainians are doing, it's a Zombie Nation. They've been so brainwashed that, on the one hand, something like two-thirds of Ukrainians want peace. That's what they say. On the other hand, also approximately two thirds of them want all of their territory back, which is now part of the Russian Federation. So, those two things just don't add up. What willl happen to these poor Ukrainians who have been brainwashed by this Anglo-Saxon brainwashing machine, is that they will need a lot of medical treatment, a lot of psychiatry in order to overcome these faulty ideas that have been implanted in their brains. It will take a long time and some of them will never recover. But this has nothing to do with the progress of the Special Military Operation from the Russian point of view."

11:25 . . .

12:08 [Russian conditions for negotiation with US/Ukraine] . . .

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14:01 What could Trump do

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The U.S. will be overwhelming problems . . .

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15:15 . . . "Completely ignore Ukraine and Russia"